EurekaLog 5.1.1
1.1 Start Date : Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:09:52 +0800
1.2 Name/Description: EyeQ.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:48:03 +0800
2.1 Date : Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:10:38 +0800
2.2 Address: 0048D1E0
2.3 Module : EyeQ.exe
2.4 Type : EOleSysError
2.5 Message: 没有注册类.
Active Controls:
3.1 Form Class : Ghost
3.2 Form Text : ????
3.3 Control Class:
3.4 Control Text :
4.1 Name : CYBER01-PC
4.2 User : cyber01
4.3 Total Memory : 3957 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 2079 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 226.51 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 216.27 Gb
4.7 System Up Time: 3 hours, 7 minutes, 38 seconds
4.8 Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 430 @ 2.27GHz
4.9 Display Mode : 1366 x 768, 32 bit
Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows
5.2 Build # : 7600
5.3 Update :
5.4 Language: Chinese (Simplified)
6.1 IP Address: -
6.2 Submask : -
6.3 Gateway : -
6.4 DNS 1 : -
6.5 DNS 2 : -
6.6 DHCP : ON - ON
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line|
| Running Thread: ID=4828; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0048E11A|EyeQ.exe |ControlCommon_TLB.pas|CoModuleCreator|Create |174 |
|0048E0FC|EyeQ.exe |ControlCommon_TLB.pas|CoModuleCreator|Create |173 |
|004D0112|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |Start |256 |
|7746010A|ntdll.dll | | |KiUserExceptionDispatcher| |
|76CEB721|KERNELBASE.dll| | |RaiseException | |
|0048E11A|EyeQ.exe |ControlCommon_TLB.pas|CoModuleCreator|Create |174 |
|0048E0FC|EyeQ.exe |ControlCommon_TLB.pas|CoModuleCreator|Create |173 |
|004D00E9|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |Start |253 |
|004D0084|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |Start |249 |
|004CFA0C|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |N3Click |132 |
|004D0768|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |dxfColorButton1Click |329 |
|004B2598|EyeQ.exe |dxfColorButton.pas |TdxfColorButton|Click |427 |
|004B1E92|EyeQ.exe |dxfColorButton.pas |TdxfColorButton|WMLButtonUp |251 |
|77472210|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|76EE2DCD|user32.dll | | |GetCapture | |
|76EE2DBD|user32.dll | | |GetCapture | |
|76D005FF|KERNELBASE.dll| | |CompareStringA | |
|76D599DD|kernel32.dll | | |CompareStringA | |
|76ED810D|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|76ED8103|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|004D0DB8|EyeQ.exe |EyeQ.dpr | | |16 |
|76D43675|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Modified |Path |
|00400000|EyeQ.exe | | |1105920 |2007-02-28 15:48:02|D:\ewqewqew\舒尔特表 |
|00620000|safemon.dll |360安全卫士 网盾防护模块 | |304544 |2011-03-03 18:50:48|C:\Program Files (x86)\360\360Safe\safemon |
|10000000|BtMmHook.dll |Multimedia Keys Hook DLL | |226592 |2010-03-26 10:41:04|C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\SysWOW64 |
|6A810000|mshtml.dll |Microsoft (R) HTML 查看器 |8.0.7600.16722 |5980672 |2010-12-18 13:30:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|6B920000|ieframe.dll |Internet 浏览器 |8.0.7600.16723 |10989056|2010-12-21 13:35:20|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|6C670000|mlang.dll |多语言支持 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |177664 |2009-07-14 09:15:42|C:\Windows\system32 |
|6C6A0000|msls31.dll |Microsoft Line Services library file |3.10.349.0 |157184 |2009-07-14 09:15:46|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|70BB0000|dwmapi.dll |Microsoft 桌面窗口管理器 API |6.1.7600.16385 |67072 |2009-07-14 09:15:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|70C10000|uxtheme.dll |Microsoft UxTheme 库 |6.1.7600.16385 |245760 |2009-07-14 09:11:26|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71A40000|rtutils.dll |Routing Utilities |6.1.7600.16617 |37376 |2010-06-19 14:23:52|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71A50000|rasman.dll |Remote Access Connection Manager |6.1.7600.16385 |76800 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71A70000|RASAPI32.dll |Remote Access API |6.1.7600.16385 |325120 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71AD0000|mdnsNSP.dll |Bonjour Namespace Provider | |152864 |2010-10-07 12:23:00|C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour |
|71B00000|WLIDNSP.DLL |Microsoft? Windows Live ID Namespace Provider |7.250.4225.0 |145280 |2010-09-21 14:03:14|C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live |
|71B60000|comctl32.dll |公用控件库 |5.82.7600.16661 |530432 |2010-08-21 13:33:26|C:\Windows\WinSxS\|
|71C30000|NLAapi.dll |Network Location Awareness 2 |6.1.7600.16385 |51712 |2009-07-14 09:16:04|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71C80000|OLEACC.dll |Active Accessibility Core Component | |233472 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|71CF0000|dnsapi.DLL |DNS 客户端 API DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |269824 |2009-07-14 09:15:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71D40000|wship6.dll |Winsock2 帮助程序 DLL (TL/IPv6) |6.1.7600.16385 |10752 |2009-07-14 09:16:22|C:\Windows\System32 |
|71E20000|sensapi.dll |SENS Connectivity API DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |10752 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71E30000|rasadhlp.dll |Remote Access AutoDial Helper |6.1.7600.16385 |11776 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71E40000|fwpuclnt.dll |FWP/IPsec 用户模式 API |6.1.7600.16385 |216576 |2009-07-14 09:15:22|C:\Windows\System32 |
|71EF0000|wshtcpip.dll |Winsock2 帮助程序 DLL (TL/IPv4) |6.1.7600.16385 |9216 |2009-07-14 09:16:22|C:\Windows\System32 |
|71F00000|mswsock.dll |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 服务提供程序 |6.1.7600.16385 |232448 |2009-07-14 09:15:52|C:\Windows\system32 |
|72FC0000|rsaenh.dll |Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider |6.1.7600.16385 |242936 |2009-07-14 09:17:56|C:\Windows\system32 |
|73000000|CRYPTSP.dll |Cryptographic Service Provider API |6.1.7600.16385 |78848 |2009-07-14 09:15:08|C:\Windows\system32 |
|731B0000|comctl32.dll |用户体验控件库 |6.10.7600.16661 |1680896 |2010-08-21 13:21:34|C:\Windows\WinSxS\ |
|73350000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |15360 |2009-07-14 09:16:22|C:\Windows\system32 |
|73390000|apphelp.dll |应用程序兼容性客户端库 |6.1.7600.16385 |292352 |2009-07-14 09:14:54|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74820000|MSVCP60.dll |Windows NT C++ Runtime Library DLL |7.0.7600.16385 |406528 |2009-07-14 09:15:52|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74890000|olepro32.dll | |6.1.7600.16385 |90112 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74910000|ntmarta.dll |Windows NT MARTA 提供程序 |6.1.7600.16385 |121856 |2009-07-14 09:16:12|C:\Windows\system32 |
|749C0000|msxml3.dll |MSXML 3.0 SP11 |8.110.7600.16723 |1236992 |2010-12-21 13:36:18|C:\Windows\System32 |
|74B80000|WINNSI.DLL |Network Store Information RPC interface |6.1.7600.16385 |16896 |2009-07-14 09:16:20|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74B90000|iphlpapi.DLL |IP Helper API |6.1.7600.16385 |103936 |2009-07-14 09:15:34|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74E90000|RpcRtRemote.dll|Remote RPC Extension |6.1.7600.16385 |45568 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74EA0000|profapi.dll |User Profile Basic API |6.1.7600.16385 |31744 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74EE0000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries|6.1.7600.16385 |21504 |2009-07-14 09:16:18|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74FB0000|CRYPTBASE.dll |Base cryptographic API DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |36864 |2009-07-14 09:15:08|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|74FC0000|SspiCli.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |6.1.7600.16484 |96768 |2009-12-11 15:36:34|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75020000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |268800 |2009-07-14 09:16:20|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75070000|IMM32.DLL |Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |119808 |2009-07-14 09:11:22|C:\Windows\system32 |
|75100000|urlmon.dll |Win32 的 OLE32 扩展 |8.0.7600.16723 |1228288 |2010-12-21 13:38:20|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75240000|sechost.dll |Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs |6.1.7600.16385 |92160 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|75280000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32 位 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |206336 |2009-07-14 09:16:22|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|752C0000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |310784 |2009-07-14 09:11:22|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75350000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper |6.1.7600.16385 |6144 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75500000|WININET.dll |Win32 的 Internet 扩展 |8.0.7600.16723 |981504 |2010-12-21 13:38:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75600000|SHLWAPI.dll |外壳简易实用工具库 |6.1.7600.16385 |350208 |2009-07-14 09:16:16|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75660000|ole32.dll |用于 Windows 的 Microsoft OLE |6.1.7600.16624 |1413632 |2010-06-29 13:02:04|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|757C0000|USP10.dll |Uniscribe Unicode script processor |1.626.7600.16385 |627200 |2009-07-14 09:16:18|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75860000|MSCTF.dll |MSCTF 服务器 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |828928 |2009-07-14 09:15:44|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75930000|oleaut32.dll | |6.1.7600.16567 |571904 |2010-04-07 15:10:38|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|759C0000|CLBCatQ.DLL |COM+ Configuration Catalog |2001.12.8530.16385|522240 |2009-07-14 09:15:04|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75AD0000|shell32.dll |Windows 外壳公用 DLL |6.1.7600.16644 |12867584|2010-07-27 22:03:26|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76720000|RPCRT4.dll |远程过程调用运行时 |6.1.7600.16385 |662528 |2009-07-14 09:11:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76840000|CRYPT32.dll |加密 API32 |6.1.7600.16385 |1151488 |2009-07-14 09:15:08|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76960000|iertutil.dll |Run time utility for Internet Explorer |8.0.7600.16722 |2063360 |2010-12-18 13:29:20|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76B60000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.7600.16385 |690688 |2009-07-14 09:15:52|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76C10000|NSI.dll |NSI User-mode interface DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |8704 |2009-07-14 09:16:12|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76C20000|ADVAPI32.dll |高级 Windows 32 基本 API |6.1.7600.16385 |640000 |2009-07-14 09:14:54|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76CC0000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |6.1.7600.16415 |34816 |2010-03-27 01:06:32|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76CD0000|Normaliz.dll |Unicode Normalization DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |2048 |2009-07-14 09:09:02|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76CE0000|KERNELBASE.dll |Windows NT 基本 API 客户端 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |269824 |2009-07-14 09:11:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76D30000|kernel32.dll |Windows NT 基本 API 客户端 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |836608 |2009-07-14 09:11:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76EC0000|user32.dll |多用户 Windows 用户 API 客户端 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |833024 |2009-07-14 09:11:26|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|77420000|LPK.dll |Language Pack |6.1.7600.16385 |25600 |2009-07-14 09:11:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|77450000|ntdll.dll |NT 层 DLL |6.1.7600.16695 |1293120 |2010-10-27 12:40:24|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
EAX: 0053B78C EDI: 0018FAE4
EBX: 80040154 ESI: 0018F5B4
ECX: 00000000 ESP: 0018F588
EDX: 0048D1E5 EIP: 0048D1E0
Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0018F588: 80040154 0048D1E0: E8 0F 74 F7 FF 5B C3 90 53 8B D8 8B C3 E8 6E AE ..t..[..S.....n.
0018F58C: 0048D1FD 0048D1F0: F8 FF 84 C0 75 07 8B C3 E8 CF FF FF FF 5B C3 90 ....u........[..
0018F590: 004D3C74 0048D200: 53 56 51 8B F2 8B D8 54 53 E8 F2 AD F8 FF E8 D5 SVQ....TS.......
0018F594: 0048D27A 0048D210: FF FF FF 8B C6 8B 14 24 E8 AB 7C F7 FF 8B 04 24 .......$..|....$
0018F598: 00000000 0048D220: 50 E8 EA AD F8 FF 5A 5E 5B C3 8B C0 53 56 51 8B P.....Z^[...SVQ.
0018F59C: 0018FB70 0048D230: F2 8B D8 54 53 E8 CE AD F8 FF E8 A9 FF FF FF 8B ...TS...........
0018F5A0: 0048E11F 0048D240: C6 8B 14 24 E8 7F 7C F7 FF 8B 04 24 50 E8 BE AD ...$..|....$P...
0018F5A4: 0018FAE4 0048D250: F8 FF 5A 5E 5B C3 8B C0 53 56 8B F2 8B D8 8B C6 ..Z^[...SV......
0018F5A8: 00404528 0048D260: E8 9B 97 F7 FF 50 68 80 D2 48 00 6A 05 6A 00 53 .....Ph..H.j.j.S
0018F5AC: 0018F5B8 0048D270: E8 83 AD F8 FF E8 6E FF FF FF 5E 5B C3 00 00 00 ......n...^[....
0018F5B0: 004D00FD 0048D280: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 ...............F
0018F5B4: 00000000 0048D290: 55 8B EC 83 C4 B8 53 56 57 33 DB 89 5D BC 89 5D U.....SVW3..]..]
0018F5B8: 0018FB78 0048D2A0: B8 8B F9 8B F2 8B D8 8D 45 F0 8B 15 5C 7D 41 00 ........E...\}A.
0018F5BC: 004D0117 0048D2B0: E8 F7 85 F7 FF 33 C0 55 68 D4 D3 48 00 64 FF 30 .....3.Uh..H.d.0
0018F5C0: 00000000 0048D2C0: 64 89 20 83 3D 44 3C 4D 00 00 75 17 8B 0D C0 4D d. .=D<M..u....M
0018F5C4: 0048D1E5 0048D2D0: 4D 00 B2 01 A1 BC 85 40 00 E8 62 06 F8 FF E8 11 M......@..b.....
EurekaLog 5.1.1
1.1 Start Date : Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:09:52 +0800
1.2 Name/Description: EyeQ.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:48:03 +0800
2.1 Date : Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:10:38 +0800
2.2 Address: 0048D1E0
2.3 Module : EyeQ.exe
2.4 Type : EOleSysError
2.5 Message: 没有注册类.
Active Controls:
3.1 Form Class : Ghost
3.2 Form Text : ????
3.3 Control Class:
3.4 Control Text :
4.1 Name : CYBER01-PC
4.2 User : cyber01
4.3 Total Memory : 3957 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 2079 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 226.51 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 216.27 Gb
4.7 System Up Time: 3 hours, 7 minutes, 38 seconds
4.8 Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 430 @ 2.27GHz
4.9 Display Mode : 1366 x 768, 32 bit
Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows
5.2 Build # : 7600
5.3 Update :
5.4 Language: Chinese (Simplified)
6.1 IP Address: -
6.2 Submask : -
6.3 Gateway : -
6.4 DNS 1 : -
6.5 DNS 2 : -
6.6 DHCP : ON - ON
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line|
| Running Thread: ID=4828; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0048E11A|EyeQ.exe |ControlCommon_TLB.pas|CoModuleCreator|Create |174 |
|0048E0FC|EyeQ.exe |ControlCommon_TLB.pas|CoModuleCreator|Create |173 |
|004D0112|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |Start |256 |
|7746010A|ntdll.dll | | |KiUserExceptionDispatcher| |
|76CEB721|KERNELBASE.dll| | |RaiseException | |
|0048E11A|EyeQ.exe |ControlCommon_TLB.pas|CoModuleCreator|Create |174 |
|0048E0FC|EyeQ.exe |ControlCommon_TLB.pas|CoModuleCreator|Create |173 |
|004D00E9|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |Start |253 |
|004D0084|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |Start |249 |
|004CFA0C|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |N3Click |132 |
|004D0768|EyeQ.exe |UnitMainForm.pas |TMainForm |dxfColorButton1Click |329 |
|004B2598|EyeQ.exe |dxfColorButton.pas |TdxfColorButton|Click |427 |
|004B1E92|EyeQ.exe |dxfColorButton.pas |TdxfColorButton|WMLButtonUp |251 |
|77472210|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|76EE2DCD|user32.dll | | |GetCapture | |
|76EE2DBD|user32.dll | | |GetCapture | |
|76D005FF|KERNELBASE.dll| | |CompareStringA | |
|76D599DD|kernel32.dll | | |CompareStringA | |
|76ED810D|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|76ED8103|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|004D0DB8|EyeQ.exe |EyeQ.dpr | | |16 |
|76D43675|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Modified |Path |
|00400000|EyeQ.exe | | |1105920 |2007-02-28 15:48:02|D:\ewqewqew\舒尔特表 |
|00620000|safemon.dll |360安全卫士 网盾防护模块 | |304544 |2011-03-03 18:50:48|C:\Program Files (x86)\360\360Safe\safemon |
|10000000|BtMmHook.dll |Multimedia Keys Hook DLL | |226592 |2010-03-26 10:41:04|C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\SysWOW64 |
|6A810000|mshtml.dll |Microsoft (R) HTML 查看器 |8.0.7600.16722 |5980672 |2010-12-18 13:30:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|6B920000|ieframe.dll |Internet 浏览器 |8.0.7600.16723 |10989056|2010-12-21 13:35:20|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|6C670000|mlang.dll |多语言支持 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |177664 |2009-07-14 09:15:42|C:\Windows\system32 |
|6C6A0000|msls31.dll |Microsoft Line Services library file |3.10.349.0 |157184 |2009-07-14 09:15:46|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|70BB0000|dwmapi.dll |Microsoft 桌面窗口管理器 API |6.1.7600.16385 |67072 |2009-07-14 09:15:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|70C10000|uxtheme.dll |Microsoft UxTheme 库 |6.1.7600.16385 |245760 |2009-07-14 09:11:26|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71A40000|rtutils.dll |Routing Utilities |6.1.7600.16617 |37376 |2010-06-19 14:23:52|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71A50000|rasman.dll |Remote Access Connection Manager |6.1.7600.16385 |76800 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71A70000|RASAPI32.dll |Remote Access API |6.1.7600.16385 |325120 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71AD0000|mdnsNSP.dll |Bonjour Namespace Provider | |152864 |2010-10-07 12:23:00|C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour |
|71B00000|WLIDNSP.DLL |Microsoft? Windows Live ID Namespace Provider |7.250.4225.0 |145280 |2010-09-21 14:03:14|C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live |
|71B60000|comctl32.dll |公用控件库 |5.82.7600.16661 |530432 |2010-08-21 13:33:26|C:\Windows\WinSxS\|
|71C30000|NLAapi.dll |Network Location Awareness 2 |6.1.7600.16385 |51712 |2009-07-14 09:16:04|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71C80000|OLEACC.dll |Active Accessibility Core Component | |233472 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|71CF0000|dnsapi.DLL |DNS 客户端 API DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |269824 |2009-07-14 09:15:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71D40000|wship6.dll |Winsock2 帮助程序 DLL (TL/IPv6) |6.1.7600.16385 |10752 |2009-07-14 09:16:22|C:\Windows\System32 |
|71E20000|sensapi.dll |SENS Connectivity API DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |10752 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71E30000|rasadhlp.dll |Remote Access AutoDial Helper |6.1.7600.16385 |11776 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|71E40000|fwpuclnt.dll |FWP/IPsec 用户模式 API |6.1.7600.16385 |216576 |2009-07-14 09:15:22|C:\Windows\System32 |
|71EF0000|wshtcpip.dll |Winsock2 帮助程序 DLL (TL/IPv4) |6.1.7600.16385 |9216 |2009-07-14 09:16:22|C:\Windows\System32 |
|71F00000|mswsock.dll |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 服务提供程序 |6.1.7600.16385 |232448 |2009-07-14 09:15:52|C:\Windows\system32 |
|72FC0000|rsaenh.dll |Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider |6.1.7600.16385 |242936 |2009-07-14 09:17:56|C:\Windows\system32 |
|73000000|CRYPTSP.dll |Cryptographic Service Provider API |6.1.7600.16385 |78848 |2009-07-14 09:15:08|C:\Windows\system32 |
|731B0000|comctl32.dll |用户体验控件库 |6.10.7600.16661 |1680896 |2010-08-21 13:21:34|C:\Windows\WinSxS\ |
|73350000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |15360 |2009-07-14 09:16:22|C:\Windows\system32 |
|73390000|apphelp.dll |应用程序兼容性客户端库 |6.1.7600.16385 |292352 |2009-07-14 09:14:54|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74820000|MSVCP60.dll |Windows NT C++ Runtime Library DLL |7.0.7600.16385 |406528 |2009-07-14 09:15:52|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74890000|olepro32.dll | |6.1.7600.16385 |90112 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74910000|ntmarta.dll |Windows NT MARTA 提供程序 |6.1.7600.16385 |121856 |2009-07-14 09:16:12|C:\Windows\system32 |
|749C0000|msxml3.dll |MSXML 3.0 SP11 |8.110.7600.16723 |1236992 |2010-12-21 13:36:18|C:\Windows\System32 |
|74B80000|WINNSI.DLL |Network Store Information RPC interface |6.1.7600.16385 |16896 |2009-07-14 09:16:20|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74B90000|iphlpapi.DLL |IP Helper API |6.1.7600.16385 |103936 |2009-07-14 09:15:34|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74E90000|RpcRtRemote.dll|Remote RPC Extension |6.1.7600.16385 |45568 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74EA0000|profapi.dll |User Profile Basic API |6.1.7600.16385 |31744 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74EE0000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries|6.1.7600.16385 |21504 |2009-07-14 09:16:18|C:\Windows\system32 |
|74FB0000|CRYPTBASE.dll |Base cryptographic API DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |36864 |2009-07-14 09:15:08|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|74FC0000|SspiCli.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |6.1.7600.16484 |96768 |2009-12-11 15:36:34|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75020000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |268800 |2009-07-14 09:16:20|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75070000|IMM32.DLL |Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |119808 |2009-07-14 09:11:22|C:\Windows\system32 |
|75100000|urlmon.dll |Win32 的 OLE32 扩展 |8.0.7600.16723 |1228288 |2010-12-21 13:38:20|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75240000|sechost.dll |Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs |6.1.7600.16385 |92160 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
|75280000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32 位 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |206336 |2009-07-14 09:16:22|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|752C0000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |310784 |2009-07-14 09:11:22|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75350000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper |6.1.7600.16385 |6144 |2009-07-14 09:16:14|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75500000|WININET.dll |Win32 的 Internet 扩展 |8.0.7600.16723 |981504 |2010-12-21 13:38:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75600000|SHLWAPI.dll |外壳简易实用工具库 |6.1.7600.16385 |350208 |2009-07-14 09:16:16|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75660000|ole32.dll |用于 Windows 的 Microsoft OLE |6.1.7600.16624 |1413632 |2010-06-29 13:02:04|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|757C0000|USP10.dll |Uniscribe Unicode script processor |1.626.7600.16385 |627200 |2009-07-14 09:16:18|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75860000|MSCTF.dll |MSCTF 服务器 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |828928 |2009-07-14 09:15:44|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75930000|oleaut32.dll | |6.1.7600.16567 |571904 |2010-04-07 15:10:38|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|759C0000|CLBCatQ.DLL |COM+ Configuration Catalog |2001.12.8530.16385|522240 |2009-07-14 09:15:04|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|75AD0000|shell32.dll |Windows 外壳公用 DLL |6.1.7600.16644 |12867584|2010-07-27 22:03:26|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76720000|RPCRT4.dll |远程过程调用运行时 |6.1.7600.16385 |662528 |2009-07-14 09:11:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76840000|CRYPT32.dll |加密 API32 |6.1.7600.16385 |1151488 |2009-07-14 09:15:08|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76960000|iertutil.dll |Run time utility for Internet Explorer |8.0.7600.16722 |2063360 |2010-12-18 13:29:20|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76B60000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.7600.16385 |690688 |2009-07-14 09:15:52|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76C10000|NSI.dll |NSI User-mode interface DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |8704 |2009-07-14 09:16:12|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76C20000|ADVAPI32.dll |高级 Windows 32 基本 API |6.1.7600.16385 |640000 |2009-07-14 09:14:54|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76CC0000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |6.1.7600.16415 |34816 |2010-03-27 01:06:32|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76CD0000|Normaliz.dll |Unicode Normalization DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |2048 |2009-07-14 09:09:02|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76CE0000|KERNELBASE.dll |Windows NT 基本 API 客户端 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |269824 |2009-07-14 09:11:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76D30000|kernel32.dll |Windows NT 基本 API 客户端 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |836608 |2009-07-14 09:11:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|76EC0000|user32.dll |多用户 Windows 用户 API 客户端 DLL |6.1.7600.16385 |833024 |2009-07-14 09:11:26|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|77420000|LPK.dll |Language Pack |6.1.7600.16385 |25600 |2009-07-14 09:11:24|C:\Windows\syswow64 |
|77450000|ntdll.dll |NT 层 DLL |6.1.7600.16695 |1293120 |2010-10-27 12:40:24|C:\Windows\SysWOW64 |
EAX: 0053B78C EDI: 0018FAE4
EBX: 80040154 ESI: 0018F5B4
ECX: 00000000 ESP: 0018F588
EDX: 0048D1E5 EIP: 0048D1E0
Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0018F588: 80040154 0048D1E0: E8 0F 74 F7 FF 5B C3 90 53 8B D8 8B C3 E8 6E AE ..t..[..S.....n.
0018F58C: 0048D1FD 0048D1F0: F8 FF 84 C0 75 07 8B C3 E8 CF FF FF FF 5B C3 90 ....u........[..
0018F590: 004D3C74 0048D200: 53 56 51 8B F2 8B D8 54 53 E8 F2 AD F8 FF E8 D5 SVQ....TS.......
0018F594: 0048D27A 0048D210: FF FF FF 8B C6 8B 14 24 E8 AB 7C F7 FF 8B 04 24 .......$..|....$
0018F598: 00000000 0048D220: 50 E8 EA AD F8 FF 5A 5E 5B C3 8B C0 53 56 51 8B P.....Z^[...SVQ.
0018F59C: 0018FB70 0048D230: F2 8B D8 54 53 E8 CE AD F8 FF E8 A9 FF FF FF 8B ...TS...........
0018F5A0: 0048E11F 0048D240: C6 8B 14 24 E8 7F 7C F7 FF 8B 04 24 50 E8 BE AD ...$..|....$P...
0018F5A4: 0018FAE4 0048D250: F8 FF 5A 5E 5B C3 8B C0 53 56 8B F2 8B D8 8B C6 ..Z^[...SV......
0018F5A8: 00404528 0048D260: E8 9B 97 F7 FF 50 68 80 D2 48 00 6A 05 6A 00 53 .....Ph..H.j.j.S
0018F5AC: 0018F5B8 0048D270: E8 83 AD F8 FF E8 6E FF FF FF 5E 5B C3 00 00 00 ......n...^[....
0018F5B0: 004D00FD 0048D280: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 ...............F
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0018F5B8: 0018FB78 0048D2A0: B8 8B F9 8B F2 8B D8 8D 45 F0 8B 15 5C 7D 41 00 ........E...\}A.
0018F5BC: 004D0117 0048D2B0: E8 F7 85 F7 FF 33 C0 55 68 D4 D3 48 00 64 FF 30 .....3.Uh..H.d.0
0018F5C0: 00000000 0048D2C0: 64 89 20 83 3D 44 3C 4D 00 00 75 17 8B 0D C0 4D d. .=D<M..u....M
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